Victoria weather sites: Gonzales vs. the Airport
One of my pet peeves is that the official weather recording site for Victoria is located at the Victoria International Airport - which is actually in North Saanich, 25 km north of Victoria. This would be okay if the climate at the airport was representative of Victoria, but it really isn't. This partly goes back to the rainshadow effect. The core area of Greater Victoria (particularly the City of Victoria, Oak Bay, and the southeastern part of Saanich) is much more affected by the Olympic Mountain rainshadow than the Westshore or the Saanich Peninsula (where the airport is located). In addition, the moderating effect of the Strait of Juan de Fuca means that the core area (especially those parts near the Strait) tend to be milder (warmer in the winter, cooler in the summer) than the Saanich Peninsula. So if not the Airport site, then what weather recording site should be used to represent Victoria? The Gonzales weather station used to be Victoria's official recording site, and ...