
Showing posts from November, 2011

Wanted: A Fair and Simple Compensation Scheme for MT Post-Editing

As the subject of fair and equitable compensation to post-editors of MT is important to the ongoing momentum of MT, I would like to introduce some people who have examined this issue, and have made an attempt (however imperfect) to developing a solution. The initial response to many such initiatives often seems to be criticism of how the approach fails. I am hoping that the dialogue on these ideas can rise above this, to more constructive and pragmatic advice or feedback to help the continuing evolution of this approach to reach more widely accepted levels of accuracy. The MemSource approach is something that measures the effort after the work is done. Used together with other initiatives that attempt to provide some measure of the post-editing task a priori, I think it could have great value in developing new compensation models that make sense to all the stakeholders in the professional translation world. It is important to develop new ways to measure MT quality and post-editing diff