
Showing posts from May, 2012

Omnilingua: A Profile of Effective Translation Quality & Productivity Measurement

One of the major challenges that enterprises have in the use of increased automation in business translation, is understanding the productivity and quality impact of any new automation strategy. As the discussion of quality and and even productivity in the industry is often quite often vague and ill-defined, it is useful to show an example where a company understands with great precision what the impact is before and after the use of new translation production technology. The key questions that one needs to understand are: · What is my current productivity (time taken, words produced) to achieve a defined quality level? · What impact does new automation e.g. an MT system, have on my existing productivity and final delivered quality? Kevin Nelson, a Managing Director at Omnilingua Worldwide , recently presented part of the Asia Online webinar " Meaningful Metrics for Machine Translation ". Omnilingua is a company that prides itself in building teams that deliver definable qual