
Showing posts from June, 2012

Thoughts on an MT technology presentation at ALC New Orleans, May 2012

This is a guest post by Huiping Iler who I had the pleasure to meet in New Orleans last month who made a very interesting presentation on how to increase the intrisnic value of an LSP firm. She runs a language services firm that is one of the growing fold of LSPs who have direct experience with post-editing MT output, and see an increasing role for MT in the future of her business.   I should add that while her own feedback on my presentation here is quite flattering, there were also others who commented through the regular feedback process that my slides were too dense and information filled, and one who even felt that my presentation was a “thinly disguised sales pitch ”. ( I assure you Sir, it was not.) It is difficult to find a balance that makes sense to everybody and all feedback is valuable . The pictures below come from the wonderful photographic eye of Rina Ne’eman taken during her visit to New Orleans. -------------------------------------------------- It was a real deligh