
Showing posts from October, 2012

Effective Determination of PEMT Compensation

An issue that continues to be a source of great confusion and dissatisfaction in the translation industry is related to the determination of the appropriate compensation rate for post-editing work. Much of the dissatisfaction with MT is related to this being done badly or unfairly. It is important that the translation industry develop a means to properly determine this compensation issue in a way that is acceptable to all stakeholders. Thus, developing a scheme that is considered fair and reasonable by the post-editor, the LSP and the final enterprise customer is valuable to all in the industry. It is my feeling that economic systems that provide equitable benefits to all stakeholders are the ones most likely to succeed in the long-term. Achieving consensus on this issue would enable the professional translation industry to reach higher levels of productivity and also increase the scope and reach of business translation as enterprises start translating new kinds of content with higher