
Showing posts from November, 2012

Understanding Post-Editing

MT continues to build momentum because the need for large global enterprises to make more information available faster, continues relentlessly. There are still some who question the “content tsunami”, and we are now getting some data points that define this for industry players in very specific terms, for those who are still doubtful.  For example, last week at AMTA 2012, a senior Dell localization professional gave us a specific data point: Dell has increased it’s volume of business and product related translation from 30 million words to 60 million words in two years. This was done without any increase in translation budget. This situation is mirrored across the information technology industry, and now many with information intensive products apparently do realize that translating large amounts of product/service related information enhances global business success. Given the speed and volume of information creation, it is often necessary and perhaps even imperative to use techn...