What's the chance of rain and the likelihood of sunshine throughout the year in Victoria?

The chart below shows the % chance of precipitation and the % of possible sunshine on any given day during the year in Victoria. It's really striking how the likelihood of precipitation and sunshine form a mirror image of each other. Let's start by looking at the blue line - the chance of precipitation on any given day. This starts in the 50-60% range during January and February, drops below 50% in March, and gradually declines until it reaches about 20% in June and early July. Then we see something that is very distinctive of the climate in our area - a sharp drop down to about a 10% chance of rain on any given day from roughly the second week of July until mid-August. That's definitely the time to plan your camping trip or outdoor event if you want to almost guarantee dry weather! Beginning in mid-August, the chance of rain begins to increase, back to about 20% by the end of August, then gradually increases to about 25% by the end of September. Unli...