The Concept of MT Maturity

I would like to introduce a series of posts that looks at and discusses the concept of MT Maturity. I hope to illustrate that getting real business advantage from MT requires alignment with a variety of other related business processes. I also plan to look at how the MT technology continues to evolve, especially as related to use in professional translation and corporate use to make large amounts of content multilingual. To facilitate the discussion I have created my own very rough evaluation and analysis model, which is an adaptation of the CSA Localization Maturity Model which is an adaptation of the software industry’s capability maturity model (CMM). Basically, it is a way of assessing if the technology user understands the technology, and is also using it in an efficient and effective manner by properly linking it to other organizational processes. Thus, companies that are at a higher stage of the CSA LMM model referenced above, will tend to have much ...