
Showing posts from July, 2016

5 Tools to Build Your Basic Machine Translation Toolkit

This is a second post from the MT Language Specialist team at eBay, by Juan Martín Fernández Rowda . I have often been asked by translators about what kinds of tools are useful when working with MT. There is a lot of corpus level data analysis, preparation and editing going on around any competent MT project. While TM tools have some value, they tend to be segment focused and do not scale, there are much better tools out there to do the corpus pattern analysis, editing and the comparison work that is necessary to build the best systems. We are fortunate to have some high-value tools laid out very clearly for us here by Juan who has extensive direct experience working with large volumes of data and can provide experience-based recommendations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are a linguist working with Machine Translation (MT), your job will be a lot easier if you have the right tools at hand. Having a strong toolkit, and

When MT does not take translators' jobs away - and may create more jobs

This is a guest post by Silvio Picinini who works in a team at eBay that provides linguistic feedback and addresses linguistic issues, specifically to enhance large scale MT projects underway at eBay. To my mind this is an example of best practices in MT, where you have NLP and MT experts working together with linguists to solve large scale translation problems in a collaborative way.   The eBay linguistic team has actually been producing a number of articles that describe various kinds of linguistic tasks that are increasingly needed to add value and quality to large scale MT efforts. I think these articles are worth greater attention, as they have a high SNR (signal to noise ratio.) They are educating and informing readers of very specific things that IMO together add up to examples of best practice. I am hopin

Overview of Expert MT Systems -- tauyou

This is a guest post by Diego Bartolome, the CEO of tauyou, who I regard as an expert MT developer with verifiable competence and a track record of success with MT. This post will be one in a series of upcoming posts to inform and introduce readers of this blog about competent MT technology alternatives available in the market today. I am aware of several successful MT implementations they have had, from presentations made by their customers at industry conferences. Also, I have had several conversations with Diego in the past and felt it would be good to highlight his company and it's capabilities, in his own words, as I think he offers solutions and services that are especially well suited for LSPs who realize that MT engine development is best left to experts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    tauyou <language te