The Critical Importance of Simplicity

This is a post by Luigi Muzii that was initially triggered by this post and this one, but I think it has grown into a broader comment on a key issue related to the successful professional use of MT i.e. the assessment of MT quality and the extent, scope, and management of the post-editing effort. Being able to get a quick and accurate assessment of the specific quality at any given time in a production use scenario is critical, but the assessment process itself cannot be so cumbersome and so complicated a process that the measurement effort becomes a new problem in itself. While we see that industry leaders and academics continue to develop well meaning but very difficult to deploy (efficiently and cost-effectively) metrics like MQM and DQF, most practitioners are left with BLEU and TER as the only viable and cost-effective measures. However, these easy-to-do metrics have well-known bias issues with RbMT and now with NMT. And given that this estimati...