My Journey into "Neural Land"

This is a post, mostly written by Terence Lewis about his experience with open source NMT, that was just published in the 275th edition of The Tool Box Journal . Since I have been chatting with Terence off and on over the years, about various MT related issues, I thought his experience might be interesting to some in the primary reader base of this blog. At the moment, there is a lot of hype driving NMT in the public eye, and while there is no doubt that NMT is definite and real progress in the MT field, it is important to temper the hype with as many actual data points about the reality as possible. There are also a lot of pretty shallow and superficial "Isn't-NMT-cool?" or "My oh my, it looks like human translation!?@!&?$" type stories abounding, so when you see one of substance (like this one by Terence) it is always refreshing, interesting and also illuminating. (For me anyway). I will admit that I am more than slightly skeptical about DIY NMT, as, fr...