
Showing posts from September, 2017

Enabling Authenticity in Global Branding

This is a guest post by Aaron Schliem, who writes on  fundamental globalization questions. Most of the agencies in the translation industry are involved in brokering human translation services, which is increasingly under price pressure, because most agencies add very little value to the production process beyond brokered project management, and we also see that MT is getting "good enough" to solve many enterprise needs to communicate multilingually. However, value is added by humans who understand the bigger picture, and tune business content creation processes to improve the overall customer experience regardless of locale and language. As all major enterprises today become more global, both in their internal workforce composition, and their primary market outlook, new, more culturally informed approaches are needed. The problem is not just at agencies, as Aaron says: Global business presently operates within an overly simplistic paradigm that assumes translation of produc

About Clever CATs and TeMpTing Free MT Offers

This is a guest post by Christine Bruckner, that looks into the Data and Information Security issue with free online MT services from a translators perspective. She was kind enough to do a summary translation of a longer article she recently wrote in German, referenced below.This subject is closely related to my previous post and shows that this issue is gaining in visibility and prominence. Jost Zetzsche has also written about this MT security and data privacy issue, and some of you may have noticed our Twitter banter on the Google Translate security policy. Jost feels that this text from a FAQ suggests that use of the Translator API overrides the "Your Content in our Services" policy, even though the legal language in the Terms of Service very clearly states the following: "When you upload, submit, store, send or receive content to or through our Services, you give Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create