Literary Text: What Level of Quality can Neural MT Attain?

Here are some interesting results from guest writer Antonio Toral, who provided us a good broad look at how NMT was doing relative to PBMT last year. His latest research investigates the potential for NMT in assisting with the translation of Literary Texts. While NMT is still a long way from human quality, it is interesting to note that NMT very consistently beats SMT even at the BLEU score level. At th eresearch level this is a big deal. Given that BLEU scores tend to favor SMT systems naturally, this is especially promising, and the results are probably quite strikingly better when compared by human reviewers. I have also included another short post Antonio did on the detailed human review of NMT vs SMT output to show those who still doubt that NMT is the most likely way forward for any MT project today. ---------------------- Neural networks have revolutionised the field of Machine Translation (MT). Translation quality has improved drastically over that of the previous dominant ap...