Understanding MT Quality - What Really Matters?

This is the second post in our posts series on machine translation quality. Again this is a slightly less polished and raw variant of a version published on the SDL site . The first one focused on BLEU scores , which are often improperly used to make decisions on inferred MT quality, where it clearly is not the best metric to draw this inference. The reality of many of these comparisons today is that scores based on publicly available (i.e. not blind) news domain tests are being used by many companies and LSPs to select MT systems which translate IT, customer support, pharma, financial services domain related content. Clearly, this can only result in sub-optimal choices. The use of machine translation (MT) in the translation industry has historically been heavily focused on localization use cases, with the primary intention to improve efficiency, that is, speed up turnaround and reduce unit word cost. Indeed, machine translation post-editing (MTPE) has been instrumental in helping loca...