De Domo Sua – The Rationale for Hiring a Consultant when Working with MT

I have always found Luigi Muzii's aka Il barbaro (The Barbarian) opinions on the "translation industry" interesting and have often felt that his blog never got the attention it deserved. Possibly because he often wrote with frequent references to Roman historical precedence, in what I have been told is an Italian scholarly style, and perhaps because English is not his preferred language to communicate complex thoughts. His willingness to state the obvious (to common sense) sometimes makes him unpopular, especially with the MT naysayers e.g. "Moreover, translation data - i.e. project data - has a limited lifespan and, at some point in time, it becomes outdated, possibly inaccurate, and definitely irrelevant." I think that many in the "translation industry" still fail to realize that the bulk of the material that they translate; i.e. the manuals, documen...