A Closer Look at SDL's new MT announcements

SDL recently announced some new initiatives in their machine translation product SDL Enterprise Translation Server (ETS). As with most press releases, there is very little specific detail in the release itself, and my initial impression was that there really was not much news here other than the mention that they are also doing Neural MT. Thus, I approached my SDL contacts and asked if they would be willing to share some more information with me for this blog, for the reader base who were curious about what this announcement really means. I initially set out with questions that were very focused on NMT, but the more I learned about SDL ETS, the more I felt that it was worth more attention. The SDL team were very forthcoming, and shared interesting material with me, thus allowing me to provide a clearer picture in this post of the substance behind this release, (which I think Enterprise Buyers, in particular, should take note of), and which I have summarized below.

The press release basically focuses on two things:
  1. An update to SDL ETS 7.4, “a secure Machine Translation (MT) platform for regulated industries,” (though I am not sure why it would not apply to any large global enterprise, especially those that depend on a more active dialogue with customers like eCommerce),
  2. The availability of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) technology on this secure and private MT platform.

Why is the SDL ETS announcement meaningful?

The SDL ETS platform is an evolution of the on-premises MT product offering that has been in use in Government environments for over 15 years now and has been widely used in national security and intelligence agencies in particular, across the NATO block of countries. Given the nature of national security work, the product has had to be rock solid, and as support-free as possible as anti-terrorist analysts are not inclined to, or permitted to make calls for technical support to the MT vendor.  Those of you who have struggled through clunky, almost-working-MT-onsite-software from other MT vendors, who are less prepared for this low-support-requirement use-case, will probably appreciate the value of SDL's long-term experience in servicing this market need.

As we have seen of late, determined hackers can break into both government and corporate networks and do so on a regular basis. This graphic and interactive visualization is quite telling in how frequently hackers succeed, and how frequently large data sets of allegedly private data are accidentally exposed. So it is understandable that when the new SDL management surveyed large global enterprises priorities, they found that "Data Security and Data Privacy" were a key concern for many executives across several industries.

In a world where MT is a global resource, and 500 Billion words a day are being translated across the various public MT portals, data security and privacy have to be a concern for a responsible executive, and, any serious corporate governance initiative. While the public MT platforms have indeed made MT ubiquitous, they also generally reserve the right to run machine learning algorithms on our data, to try and pick up useful patterns from our usage and continue to improve their services. Today, MT is increasingly used to translate large volumes of customer and corporate communications, and it is likely that most responsible executives would rather not share the intimate details of their customer and intra-corporate global communications with the public MT services where privacy could be compromised.

If you think that your use of MT is not monitored or watched, at least at a machine learning level, you should perhaps take a look at the following graphic. This link provides a summary of what they collect.

The notion that these MT services are “free” is naive, and we cannot really be surprised that the public MT services try to capitalize on what they can learn from the widespread use of their MT services. The understanding gained from watching user behavior not only helps improve the MT technology, it also provides a basis to boost advertising revenues, since an MT service provider has detailed metrics on what people translate, and search on, in different parts of the world. 

To adapt the original ETS platform to the different needs of the global enterprise market, SDL had to add several features and capabilities that were not required for national security information triage applications, where MT was invariably an embedded component service, interacting with other embedded components like classification and text analytics in a larger information analysis scenario. The key enhancements added are for the broader enterprise market, where MT can be an added corporate IT service for many different kinds of applications, and the MT service needs direct as well as embedded access. The new features include the following:
      • A redesigned and intuitive interface that improves the user experience for product installation, administration as well as ongoing operation and management to respond to changing needs. As the GUI is web-based, no installations are required on individual user machines.  Users and Admins can easily get up to speed using SDL ETS via its Web GUI.
        • The new browser-based user interface includes features like Quick Translate, Browse Translate, Host Management, and User Management
      • Scalable architecture accommodates low and high translation throughput demands. The addition of a load balancer for automatic distribution of client requests which manages available MT resources to facilitate throughput and translation services synchronization in an efficient manner.
      • Time to deployment is minimized with various kinds of installation automation.  SDL ETS can be deployed swiftly without the need to install any extra third-party software components manually.  SDL ETS services automatically restart upon system restart as they are automatically installed as OS services for both Windows and Linux. (This is in contrast to most Moses based solutions in the market.)
      • User roles & authentication
        • Enable user access via permission-based login and/or authenticate against corporate’s central Active Directory with LDAP.
      • Scaling and managing SDL ETS deployments are made easy with centralized Host Management.  Admins no longer need to access individual ETS servers and modify configuration files.  Setup can be done via the SDL ETS Web GUI’s Host Management module and includes things like loading custom dictionaries for specific applications.
      • Includes state-of-the-art Neural Machine Translation technology, offering leading-edge technology for the highest quality machine translation output
      • Highly tuned MT engines that reflect the many years of MT developer engagement with SDL human translation services, and ongoing expert linguistic feedback that is a driving force behind higher quality base translations
      • Ease of access through an MS-Office Plug-in and a rich REST API for integration with other applications and workflows
      • Enhanced language detection capability
        • Support the automatic detection of over 80 languages and 150 writing scripts.

How does SDL ETS differ from other MT on-premise solutions?

Based on my experience with, and observation of other on-premise MT systems, I think it is fair to say that the SDL ETS features are a significant step forward for the translation industry in bringing the capabilities of industrial strength MT up to modern enterprise IT standards and needs. In #americanbuffoon-speak we might even say it is tremendous and bigly good.

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